Tagged: board certification

Prosto, Perio, Ortho, Who? – A Guide to Dental Professionals and Dental Specialties 3

Prosto, Perio, Ortho, Who? – A Guide to Dental Professionals and Dental Specialties

Back in the day a dentist was a dentist was a dentist, but these days just like in medicine, there are several specialties of dentistry.  So here goes the breakdown: General Dentist (GD) – The practioner who most of us go to for our regular checkups.  I consider them the Jack of All Trades so to speak, because although training usually includes all aspects of dentistry, the GD mainly concentrates on the overall health of your teeth.  Procedures usually performed are cleanings, fillings, maybe some crown & bridge work, and/or maybe some simple extractiions (simple meaning not wisdom teeth or other possible...